ArtzHub Online Testimonials

 “ Thank you for doing all this. Our son - and so many kids who know you - will be excited to see your videos and to continue with something fun and familiar.” - William, 2020

“ This will provide some kind of normalcy to the day for our kids. Once again, thank you.” - Elizabeth, 2020

“Thank you for your creative ideas here. Our daughter is super excited about this plan.” - Christine, 2020

“ This is great! Thanks so much for doing this. Our son will be so happy to get back to drawing with you.” - Brooke, 2020

“Thank you so much for doing a drawing class virtually. We started home school last week and our son is not super thrilled about it but having an after school art class made his day! Art will be an important tool to help us all through this time.” - Susan, 2020

“ We had fun w/ art for the whole family for the 1st time ever!! Thanks!!” - Seth, 2020

“ The length and art choice for video was perfect. We’ve watched a lot of educational videos lately and some of them are trying to pack too much in and the kids lose interest. For yours, the kids were totally engaged the whole time. They were excited and in better moods after the lesson.” - Jennifer, 2020

“ I just watched your first online instruction video with my son. I must say that the video is awesome! You did a great job! We both enjoy and love this form of learning. Thank you very much for the great effort to make the art class best!” - Yue, 2020

“ Thanks so much for today’s cake art lesson. My son and I both made a cake picture and really enjoyed it! Thanks for giving us something  to look forward to each week during this unusual period of no school!” - Laurie, 2020

“ My son is LOVING these lessons! Thank you so much for making this virtual. They are a life saver for us! I think next week is his last lesson. How can I keep him enrolled?” - Natasha, 2020

“ Thanks for providing these great virtual lessons! Our daughter did her first one today and loved it. Looking forward to the others! “ -Margaret, 2020

“ Thank you guys so much for the supplies and wonderful lesson! Jenna had so much fun making her chocolate chip cookie rainbow cake today. :-)” – Jennifer, 2020

“ Thanks so much for today’s cake art lesson. My son and I both made a cake picture and really enjoyed it! Thanks for giving us something to look forward to each week during this unusual period of no school!” - Laurie, 2020

“ Unexpected family time! I color and glue right along with Emma. It keeps me in the moment, and a little creativity unlocks my brain. Great for stress!”

– Mindy, 2020

 “My daughter made this awesome vest with the help of your tutorial! We plan to share the tutorial with her Girl Scout troop. She said she feels like she looks just like a Brownie!” – Marci, 2020

“ Our daughter has really enjoyed attending your classes and we have some fantastic pieces of her art to display!  I definitely see improvement in her skills and a lot of enthusiasm for art.  We look forward to signing her up for more classes in the future.” – Theresa, 5.26.21

“Art has meant so much to her - and you've done an amazing job making that Zoom hour awesome and engaging! The world is unpredictable, for sure, but I do feel like we're making our way to the other side :) and we will keep in touch - I know she will want to continue creating art with you.” – Enakshi, 5.12.21

“Thanks for all you do Kim. Emily has grown so much with you and she loves every minute. I meant every word I wrote. We don't always have enough time these days to say thank you -- thanks for giving me the chance to do so. “ - Christine, 4.23.21

“ The girls LOVE your class and we are overjoyed to be able to continue on!” – Chiara 2.4.21

“Just wanted to say that it seemed like Harry and Sam really enjoyed your class. It certainly was the most engaged I have heard them over zoom, and their art was fantastic. So much fun.” – Klara, 8.31.20

“ I found ArtzHub on the internet when I was researching zoom birthday parties. I really liked your website and all your suggestions for how to host an art zoom party. My daughter is turning 13 this April and because of the pandemic we had to cancel her party last year. She was bummed that we couldn't throw her a party so for her 13th so we thought a zoom party is our best option. “ – Hyon, 2.24.21

“ All the kids had fun and the art looks great. My son picked the chameleon. Great choice with all the colour options.” – Julien, 5.15.21

“OMG! It's so cute! My daughter looooves it! This exactly what she had in mind. Thank you so much. “ – Doreen 2.4.21

“ Thank you Kim!! The kids loved it! You have great energy.” – Monique, 5.15.21

“Thank you, Kim!  This was such a wonderful event.  I’ll be sure to pass along your YouTube information to everyone.” – Susan, Pattern Energy, CA

“Thank you for sending the link [to this week’s art lesson video]! My son felt so upset that he missed the class. It would be a great chance to make it up this weekend via watching the video you sent. We greatly appreciate it!”

-Xiaobei, 3.20.21